Monday, December 11, 2006

I Do Not Know What Day It Is

This week needs to end. The sooner the better, for my mental health. The most depressing part? It's early Monday afternoon and I am already frazzled. For example, my first class on Monday is at 3:30, but my first class on Tuesday and Wednesday is at 11 AM. So my neurons got scrambled, I woke up at 10:58, and panicked. "Oh shit oh SHIT I didn't set my alarm I didn't read the stories oh shit oh shit..." and got halfway dressed before realizing that it was, in fact, Monday, and I had no need to get up if I didn't want to. Feeling quite foolish, I sallied back to bed and had weird dreams for an hour or two before getting up again.

Sold my books, which cost me close to $200, for a piddling $15. Whoo, what overwhelming money. Did buy some new headphones, though, as my regular ones broke and my backups have tinny sound. Then I forgot to send a graphics file to my employer (College Events, so you can bet that I'm supposed to) and when I DID try, my computer refused to attach the file. So I may have to run down there with a flash drive before giving my end-of-term report in history class about my conference work. At this rate, I'm going to get up there and stare vacantly at my classmates while gesticulating wildly and mumbling to unheard voices, before somebody kindly takes over the blackboard as an act of charity. I think it's a good thing that I have no more reading left for that class, although I actually must attempt to read two stories tonight and write one...bloody... more assignment...

Naturally, I have cuts on my legs and unexplained bruises on my arms, but I swear to God I'm not hurting myself on purpose. Maybe my body is just...reacting...

I've finished my history and writing projects, and I think my editing is done on the philosophy project. I wrote my history worksheet and need to edit my writing one, but I am almost frickin' done with my work. God, I want to go home and just sleep for about a week, and definitely not think about anything. I love my college, but damn, I am drained as hell right now.


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